There are many signs that can tell you whether your partner only wants to have sex with you, without the commitment of a long relationship. Some differences between sex and love can easily tell what he is actually looking for.
When you first meet someone, you focus on the things you see in him such as if you have any chemistry or connection. But you should also look at those things he notices at you. These will tell a lot about him and what he wants exactly from your relationship. After a while it becomes clear whether he is only looking for sex or a relationship.
What are the differences between sex and love making?
Hugs and kisses are ways of bounding and connecting with your partner. They can also be part of the foreplay. However, when he is only interested in sex, he will make the kissing part as short as possible and then take everything to the bedroom. A man who wants to make love to you will always look for opportunities to kiss you, even when it doesn’t lead to sex.
Also, a man willing to build a relationship with you will love your body completely. Whereas a man only focused on sex will notice the way you dress and your appearance. A partner looking for love will not be afraid to display his affection publicly no matter you are dressed elegant or simple.
If he shares his sexual fantasies and desires, he clearly wants to connect on a deeper level and he trusts you. When a man only wants to have dates that include pizza and movie at home, it is obvious he has no interest in showing up publicly with you and is more interested in simple dates that will end up having sex.
Foreplay is important for great sex. It sets the mood and creates intimacy. If he is only looking for sex with you, foreplay will be quick without awakening any senses and any interest. But if he is committed to a relationship, he will take his time for foreplay and cuddling after sex. He will do his best to satisfy you and make you feel wanted. Also, he pays attention to what you like in bedroom and respects your choices. He will take time to talk about this and make it as enjoyable for both of you.
With these differences between sex and love in mind, you can read the signs and understand what he really wants. Whether it is only about sex or committing to a relationship, it is better to set things straight from the beginning. Having sex and making love to someone are two things completely different and should be mixed up.