What we need to know about pheromones
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- 28 February 2021
Pheromones are those chemicals that transmit certain olfactory signals to people of the opposite sex. These signals trigger romantic feelings. Pheromones do not smell, so no one will know if you have used products that contain them, but people of the opposite sex will feel very attached to you.
In general, people have categorized the sense of smell as one of the least important senses, yet many of us spend a considerable fortune and make a sustained effort to change the smell and how those around us perceive us olfactory.
How pheromones can be detected
All signals produced by pheromones are detected by an organ in the nose, and this is called vomeronasal. When it detects pheromones, it begins to transmit a sexual response to the brain, a signal that will make you irresistible. Pheromones are substances that any organism produces in order to transmit various messages using a biochemical language.
These smells are perceived by the brain in an unconscious way and that affects the behavior of others towards us.
Sex multiplies neurons
A study by many Canadian specialists showed that prolactin stimulates the olfactory bulb, doubling the number of neurons in this nerve center. Also, prolactin levels increase during pregnancy and in this situation also stimulates the development of the olfactory bulb. Clinical experiments have shown that male pheromones attract an intense, unconscious sexual response from women. Pheromones do not smell and are consciously undetectable by the human nose, but women have a very well-defined and fine sense of smell and immediately detect male pheromones, which trigger sexual attraction and desire for the man.
Pheromone is the hormone of sexual attraction
Sexual attraction is a real chemical reaction, which is why a lot of scientific research has concluded that sexual and romantic encounters are influenced by pheromones. Pheromones are found in many living things, from amoebae, insects, and other invertebrates, but in mammals and humans, they are the oldest form of communication.
These hormones dictate sexual behavior and also increase sexual attraction. In ancient times, pheromones were the main form of choice of partner. Our body naturally produces small amounts of pheromones, which are eliminated through personal hygiene. When a person enters a crowded room, he unconsciously emits an “aura”.
If she automatically smiles, the “aura” will emit a welcoming, friendly attitude, which allows her to socialize very easily with those around her. Thus body language plays a very important role in society and determines the type of aura we emit when we come in contact with various people. A similar process happens with pheromones that function as an aura amplifier.
Regardless of the aura, you emit at a given time, pheromones will contribute to the stronger emission of the aura with an accentuated note of sexuality, sensuality.
Female pheromones
Not only can men send sexual messages to a potential partner, but women are also able to do so. However, women’s signals are less perceived because female pheromones have a rather subtle effect. In the 1980s pheromones were an important discovery and since then multiple studies have focused on these mysterious hormones that increase sexual desire and passion.
It has been found that female health can be directly correlated with this spontaneous emission of male pheromones.
Natural pheromones – benefits
The major contribution of pheromones to maintaining female health is the maintenance of a healthy reproductive system, healthy testosterone rich in natural pheromones “encouraging” a woman’s body to be preserved in a healthy way, to stay young.
- Male pheromones can stabilize the menstrual cycle and reduce the symptoms of PMS.
- Male pheromones can eliminate a woman’s depression (relaxing effect) and can delay or even ease the onset of menopause.
- Pheromones increase sexual desire for the opposite sex partner (and not only – pheromones act similarly for people with homosexual behavior – depending on the sexual response that forms in the brain after detecting personal homosexual or lesbian hormones).
- As pheromones increase the attractiveness and charm (aura) of the person there will be an increase in self-confidence, a better perception of personal image.
- Exposure to personal pheromones causes deeper intimacy between sexual partners (scientifically proven that pheromones act mentally, and less physically).
The effects of pheromones on the body of the opposite sex
- Sexual attraction
- Trust
- Calm
- Aggressivity
Scientific studies have shown that certain types of pheromones can increase aggressive instinct in both women and men. The aroma of androsterone (pure male pheromone) seems to be the essence of aggression or dominance in men. A researcher in criminal pathology conducted a study on a sample of prisoners and found that men imprisoned in the prison wing corresponding to physical violence had high emissions of pure pheromones.
How to increase the level of pheromones released by the body
Due to evolution, men currently emit pheromones only when they sweat, which can be a rather unpleasant way to sexually attract a woman. The ironic thing is that when we take a shower, in order to eliminate skin odors, we actually remove the body’s natural pheromones. Unpleasant odors that sometimes form on the skin, caused by sweating, are the result of bacterial degradation of sweat secretions and not by the smell of pheromones (because they are odorless). We can give you some tips that will help the body increase the production of natural pheromones and increase their intensity and effectiveness:
- a diet containing raw celery and celery juice – celery contains androsterone-like enzymes, which are released in the form of pheromones by men; this diet also increases the libido of female representatives;
- a diet based on celery and avocado contributes to the metabolism of specific enzymes into sex hormones, due to the high content of androsterone;
zinc in nuts, pumpkin seeds, spinach increases testosterone production which accelerates the production of pheromones.
- cumin, dill, ginger, licorice, cucumber, and asparagus influence the aroma of body secretions and stimulate sexual desire, arousal.